You have reached the leading Danish website about fishcare management in water courses, lakes and coastal waters. The information on the website exists only in Danish, but on this page you can read about our work and our activities and you can find contact information to our fishcare consultants and researchers.
The website contains extended information about how to:
Preserve and recreate natural fish stocks
Improve the living conditions and habitats for fish
Carry out fish releases
Regulate freshwater and coastal fishery
The purpose of ‘’ is to ensure that knowledge gained by research is applied locally throughout Denmark.
That knowledge about fish stocks and ecosystems in water courses, lakes and coastal waters is available to the public in order to support the efforts of local authorities and fishing associations and thus support a sustainable recreational fishery in a diverse environment.
The typical users of ‘’ are employees in local or regional environmental authorities and in private consultant companies and anglers and other sport fishermen. There is approximately half a million people involved in recreational fishing in Denmark.
Also students, teachers and journalists as well as others with an interest in fish and fishcare management use the website.
Who is behind
The information on the website is based on research mainly from DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources in Denmark.
The research is also the basis for the advisory tasks performed by the institute to public authorities, to industry and organisations within recreational fisheries and to citizens.
The website, and the fishcare management as a whole, is financed by funds from the Danish fishing licence fees. The fishing licence funds are administered by The danish fiskeries agency.
‘’ is a web based handbook with practical guidelines and knowledge based on research, analysis and monitoring within the following research and work areas:
Habitat requirements of selected species in water courses, lakes and coastal waters in order to increase natural reproduction and reduce unintended mortality
Studies of natural and manmade impacts to fish populations including the effects of deterioration of habitats, physical barriers, eutrophic lakes and the establishment of new lakes and wetlands in water course systems
How populations of especially freshwater and migratory fish can be preserved, restored and exploited in a sustainable manner
Stocking of eel, trout, salmon and preceding monitoring and evaluation of the effects of the stockings to improve future breeding and release plans
How both freshwater and saltwater fish form individual stocks with different genetic traits
Which factors affect the distribution and local adaptation of populations by combining genetic and ecological research
How climate change and selective fishing affect genetic resources
Population genetic methods are also applied in an aquaculture context with the aim to identify the suitability of individual fish stocks for aquaculture and the production of quality fish
'’ also contains a number of pages with general facts and knowledge about the ecosystems in the Danish water course systems, lakes and coastal waters, i.e. animal and plant life, geographical differences and environmental issues concerning the different nature types.
And there is a thorough description of some of the more common species of especially freshwater fish like pike, perch, bream, pike-perch, carp, roach, trout, salmon and eel.
The content of ‘’ also includes guidelines about issues such as:
What to do when you catch a tagged fish and who to report to
Where and how to apply for funds to help local or regional projects such as water course restoration or fish releases to enhance recreational fishing
Fishing closures and size limits
Other activities

Training to become experts in water course management
The fishcare consultants educate people in various topics. They are:
Water course restoration and management for local authorities and volunteers in the local fishing associations
Electro fishery for local communities and fishing associations
Electro fishery for employees at the environmental authorities and consultants from companies that deal with environmental technology and management
Stock breeding for release purposes
The fishcare consultant also produces release plans for a number of species including trout, salmon, eel, whitefish, pike, cod, turbot and flounder.
Fishing licence
The fishcare management in Denmark is financed by funds from the Danish fees and covers activities such as:
- fish releases in order to recreate fish stocks
- improvement of the living conditions and habitats for fish
- studies on fish behavior
The activities are carried out with help from volunteers from local fishing associations.
Buy your fishing licence here at
Our sea-trout stocks can still be improved – if we do it right!
Catalogue on projects 2012 - Section for Freshwater Fisheries and Ecology
Finn Sivebæk, fishcare consultant and managing editor of ‘’